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Backyard Dreams LA offers an extensive range of plants and expert landscaping services to breathe life into your garden. With over 20 years of experience, our team of professional landscapers and gardeners is dedicated to transforming your outdoor space into a picturesque haven. Serving Covina, Long Beach, San Dimas, Upland, and the broader Los Angeles area, we guarantee 100% satisfaction with every project.
Our diverse selection includes:
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Ready to transform your garden? Get in touch with Backyard Dreams LA. Our team is here to assist you with all your gardening and landscaping needs. Let us help you create the garden of your dreams.
Our garden nursery provides a variety of options to suit every need and preference. Check out our various products below.
Creeping Phlox $15.00
The Creeping phlox are a group of hardy, flowering plants that will be familiar to many gardeners. With many species bearing showy flowers and being very cold-tolerant (many are naturally found in high alpine environments or at very high latitudes), Creeping phlox are very popular ornamentals, and there are dozens of garden cultivars. Creeping phlox are also noteworthy for being particularly attractive to butterflies – for this reason, they’re often a staple in temperate pollinator gardens.
Oleander $15.00
Nerium oleander, colloquially known as Oleander, is a shrub or a small tree, known for its majestic pink five-lobed flowers and deep green lanceolate leaves.
Southern Indian Azalea $15.00
Rhododendron indicum is a small semi-evergreen flowering shrub native to East Asia, colloquially known as Southern Indian azalea. It produces a great number of lovely pink flowers during the blooming time, which is why Southern Indian azalea is often used for ornamental purposes. There are many cultivars of this gorgeous plant and some are used for bonsai.
Angel's Trumpet $15.00
Angel’s trumpet is a showy and unique addition to any garden and is prized for its flowers which have a trumpet shape and a variety of colors including yellow, orange, white, pink, or red. Use extreme caution, however, as all parts of Angel’s trumpet are poisonous when ingested.
Calla Lily $15.00
The Calla lily is a well-known ornamental plant with several cultivars receiving the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. The most common cultivars include ‘Crowborough’, ‘Green Goddess’, ‘Pink Mist’, and ‘Red Desire’. They are popular as a cut flower or a rhizomatous herb in the warm gardens.
Common Cama $15.00
The Common camas (Camassia quamash) is a perennial wildflower that grows from bulbs and is native to western North America. The plant was used as a food source by Native Americans and was documented by the explorers Lewis and Clark. Very cold hardy, this flower grows well in moist loam and clay soils.
Easter Lily $15.00
Lilium longiflorum, commonly known as Easter lily is a perennial bulb, famous for the beautiful fragrance of its large, trumpet-shaped white flowers. It plays an important role in Christianity, as it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ celebrated during Easter (hence the common name). Easter lily is most often cultivated for cut flowers.
The Garden Dahlia $15.00
The Garden dahlia is a common spring flower that comes in a wide range of colors. The flowers themselves are unscented and attract pollinators (like bees) using only their bright coloration. Garden dahlia plants were grown by ancient Aztecs and it is now the official flower of Mexico. It is genetically related to garden plants like sunflowers and zinnias.
Sago Palm $65.00
Japanese Sago are ancient Cycads known for their exotic trunks and tough fronds that lend a tropical beach flair in indoor pots or outdoor planters. These low-maintenance perennial shrubs like bright indirect light and complement Palms, Ferns, Sansevieria, and succulents in a plant collection. Sagos were around before the dinosaurs and their deep green leaves and textures make them unique specimens for house decks, patios, and porches. This evergreen easy care air purifier is 9 to 12" tall from the bottom of the pot to the top of the leaves; Zone 9-10. Houseplants can make your home and garden more beautiful, purify your air, boost your mood, and relieve dryness by raising the humidity in your rooms.
Dracaena $25.00
Dracaena is a genus of about 120 species of trees and succulent shrubs. The formerly accepted genera Pleomele and Sansevieria are now included in Dracaena.
Agave $15.00
Agave is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of the Americas and the Caribbean, although some Agave species are also native to tropical areas of North America, such as Mexico.
Majesty Palm $29.99
Ravenea rivularis, the majestic palm, or majesty palm, is a species of tree in the family Arecaceae. They generally grow to 10 to 12 feet tall and are often marketed in stores as a "houseplant" in a pot, in its natural state, the majesty palm may sometimes grow to 98 feet tall.
Barrel Cactus $29.99
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Umbrella Palm $15.00
Cyperus alternifolius, the umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge or umbrella palm, is a grass-like plant in the very large genus Cyperus of the sedge family Cyperaceae. The plant is native to West Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula, but widely distributed throughout the world.
Philodendron $15.00
Philodendron is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. As of September 2015, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepted 489 species; other sources accept different numbers.
Indian Shot $15.00
Canna indica, commonly known as Indian shot, African arrowroot, edible canna, purple arrowroot, Sierra Leone arrowroot, is a plant species in the family Cannaceae. It is native to much of South America, Central America, the West Indies, and Mexico.
African Lily $15.00
Agapanthus africanus, or the African lily, is a flowering plant from the genus Agapanthus found only on rocky sandstone slopes of the winter rainfall fynbos from the Cape Peninsula to Swellendam. It is also known as the lily-of-the-Nile in spite of only occurring in South Africa.
Echeveria White Cloud $15.00
Echeveria cante, the white cloud plant, is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae, native to northwestern Zacatecas state in Mexico. A succulent, it has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Umbrella Agave $15.00
Agave is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of the Americas and the Caribbean, although some Agave species are also native to tropical areas of North America, such as Mexico.
African Iris $15.00
Dietes iridioides, commonly named African iris, fortnight lily, and morea iris, is a species of plant in the family Iridaceae that is native to Southern Africa.
Candelilla $15.00
The Candelilla plant belongs to the Euphorbia species, the common name of an extensive family of flowered plants – similar in appearance to cacti – but which are clearly differentiated by the milky latex contained by the Euphorbia plants.
Scarlet Sage $15.00
Salvia splendens, the scarlet sage, is a tender herbaceous perennial plant native to Brazil, growing at 2,000 to 3,000 m elevation where it is warm year-round and with high humidity. The wild form, rarely seen in cultivation, reaches 1.3 m tall.
Located in Long Beach, CA. Backyard Dreams LA specializes in landscaping and gardening services. Free, next-day estimates. 100% Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-month labor warranty. Call today.
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